Friday, 17 October 2014

Amare Stoudemire, New York Knicks Basketballer, Bathes In Red Wine To Recover On His Rest Days

FOR most of us, the term vinotherapy means indulging in a glass of wine to relax after a long day.
But to New York Knicks player Amar’e Stoudemire it’s the secret behind his newfound health.
Stoudemire, who was one of the best big men in the NBA before crippling knee injuries derailed his career, has been bathing in red wine on his rest days during the preseason.
The 31 year old finds the experience extremely soothing and believes the wine helps with circulation.
“The red wine bath is very important to me because it allows me to create more circulation in my red blood cells,” Stoudemire said.
“Plus, it’s very hot, so it’s like a hot tub. But it’s also the red wine ... just kind of soothes the body.”
Stoudemire has been employing the new recovery technique for six months but only recently let everyone in on his secret by posting the following picture to his Instagram account.
Vinotherapy has become a popular skin care treatment in recent years but this is the first known example of an athlete using it for rehabilitation.
Stoudemire’s wife, Alexis, told him about the wine baths but he wouldn’t reveal which spa he has been attending in New York.
He moves between a variety of tubs at different temperatures and follows the treatment with a 90 minute massage.
It seems to be working. Stoudemire played in three games in four nights this week and said his body feels great.
Asked if he was bathing in quality wine, Stoudemire laughed.
“I hope so,” he said. “I don’t know. I haven’t tasted it.”

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