Thursday, 19 November 2015

The ultimate 30 minute workout Got half an hour?

 Do this HIIT training!
Start with a cardio choice and then first exercise. Then cardio choice again (can mix it up or stick with the same one) then on to second exercise. Work through the list trying to complete all 12 exercises by end of 30 minutes.
1. 30 x squats
2. 60 x lunge jumps
3. 30 x pushups
4. 30 x bent over back flies
Bend over so that your upper body is parallel to the floor, legs slightly bent, core engaged and slight stretch through the back of the legs into glutes. Start with your arms straight underneath your chest and then open up wide squeezing your back muscles together and down. Slowly return and repeat.
5. 60 x jumping jacks
6. 30 x plank salutes
In plank position, keep torso dead still as you raise one arm out in front as if in salute motion. Return slowly without moving through the torso and repeat on other side.
7. 60 x squat jumps

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