Wednesday, 13 November 2013

2013 Beijing Marathon turned Pee and Run

Champion Zhang Yingying (C) of China, runner-up Makda Harun Haji (L) of Ethiopia and second runner-up Yeshimebet Tadesse Bifa (R) of Ethiopia attend the awarding ceremony for 2013 Beijing International Marathon in Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 20, 2013. photo:Xinhuanet
It's was quite a scene in the Beijing International marathon. Because of the limited number of toilets, many players chose to pee on the street during the race, Chinese media reported.
I was suprises galore that so many people are ran the marathon. Obviously, the oragnisers didn't prepare enough toilets,but peeing in public was also a fun exercise and anm experience for many who engaged in it. "Zhouyuan,a amateur running player said,"When the first one began it,then the others followed.”I asked a volunteer working for the official organisers,"why are the toilets so limited?Agency reports said”
In the official guides, runners were advise to drink little water before running.”said the volunteer. However, Chenzhe,a friend of mine who ran the half marathon told me”I was ashamed with so many guys who peed and made the streets smelly. I took pictures of what they did, and shared it on Weibo-a twitter like social network platform.”
As expected, Tadese Tola, an Ethiopia broke the event record set 27 years ago to win the male race. After, the city's sanitation department began to clean the offensive streets.  

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